Planting Plan Interview-Ballston Spa & Davey Resource Group

Event Date: 
Friday, April 8, 2022 - 1:00pm to 2:00pm
This meeting will be a brief summary of the data collected with a brief explanation of what is to be expected in the management plan.
1. Number of total sites (how many are trees, stumps, and vacant sites)
2. Explanation of data collected for each tree
3. Species composition 
4. Condition of urban forest (number of trees in each condition category) 
5. Number of trees in each risk rating category (low, moderate, high, extreme)
6. Primary maintenance recommendations (number of trees recommended for train, prune, routine prune, remove) 
7. Hardscape assessments (how many trees were noted to have damage over half an inch, or were likely to have damage of over half an inch in the next 5 years) 
8. Next steps/ management plan